515 Rotor-X Paddlewheel Flow Sensor

Simple to install with time-honored reliable performance, Signet Model 515 Rotor-X Paddlewheel Flow Sensors are highly repeatable, rugged sensors that offer exceptional value with little or no maintenance. The wide dynamic flow range of 0.3 to 6 m/s (1 to 20 ft/s) allows the sensor to measure liquid flow rates in full pipes and can be used in low pressure systems.
Nhà sản xuất: GF Piping Systems
SKU: 515-Paddlewheel-1-330W
Mã hàng (Model): 515-Paddlewheel-1-330W
100 đ

Product name: 515 Rotor-X Paddlewheel Flow Sensor

The Signet Model 515 sensors are offered in a variety of materials for a wide range of pipe sizes and insertion configurations. The many material choices, including PP and PVDF, make this model highly versatile and chemically-compatible to many liquid process solutions. Sensors can be installed in up to DN900 (36 in.) pipes using Signet's comprehensive line of custom fittings. These custom fittings, which include tees, saddles, and weldolets, set the sensor to the proper insertion depth into the process flow. The sensors are also offered in configurations for wet-tap requirements.

Fields of Application:

  • Pure Water Production
  • Filtration Systems
  • Chemical Production
  • Liquid Delivery Systems
  • Pump Protection
  • Scrubber Systems
  • Water Monitoring
  • Not suitable for gases


  • Operating range 0.3 to 6 m/s (1 to 20 ft/s)
  • Wide turndown ratio of 20:1
  • Highly repeatable output
  • Simple, economical design
  • Installs into pipe sizes DN15 to DN900 (½ to 36 in.)
  • Self-powered/no external power required
  • Test certificate included for -X0, -X1
  • Chemically-resistant materials


  • RoHS compliant
  • China RoHS
  • Lloyd's Register
  • NSF (P51530-PX version only)

Contact for more details

Hotline: Mr.Minh 0876882884 || Ms Lan 0963.435.510

Email: info@vnecco.com for free advice and best deals.

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